Read My Latest Work

I've been working for the Washington, D.C. bureau of Mother Jones since July 2007 and I've done most of my writing and reporting during that time for them. Mother Jones is an independent, nonprofit, politically oriented magazine that's been around more than three decades. We won the National Magazine Award for General Excellence in 2008 and 2010. All of my work there is available on my page at, which is constantly updated with my newest work.

I also write regularly for The Economist's award-winning business travel blog, Gulliver. My posts have the initials "N.B." and Washington, D.C. datelines. You can follow the link or find Gulliver on the main page of, on the right, under "Blogs". You can also find The Economist's excellent American politics blog, Democracy in America, in the same place. (I used to write for DiA.)

In addition to providing a hub for my various writing projects, this site serves as an outlet for my obsessive link-collecting. The best way to keep up with all that is by following me on Twitter or Tumblr.

Finally, if you're feeling inclined to support some hard-hitting investigative journalism, please think of MoJo. Mother Jones is supported by a mix of subscriptions, ads, and donations. That keeps us less prone to marketplace pressures than, say, daily newspapers, which are bleeding cash and reporters. But we're far from immune.

So, ranging from free to cheap, here are three ways to help:

FREE: Sign up for our headlines emails. It costs nothing, and gives you a heads-up to stories that might interest you. It helps us to raise money. Signing up takes ten seconds. You can do it right now, while you're thinking about it, right here. You can also follow us on Twitter and "like" us on Facebook.

CHEAP: A year's subscription to the print magazine costs the equivalent of a movie ticket (less than a movie ticket if you live in NYC). That's right: it costs twelve bucks. It's really an astounding bargain. Plus, a gift subscription is the perfect (perfectly inexpensive!) present for politically minded pals and relations. Signing up new subscribers helps us immensely. You can subscribe here.

HOW MUCH YOU GOT? Reader donations, large and small, are key to our ability to do great investigative work. Anything helps, and if you donate $45 or more, you get a free subscription. People even write us into their wills, believe it or not. You can donate here.

Thanks so much for visiting! If you have any questions, complaints, or corrections, or you just want to get in touch, I'm nickbaumann [at] snet [dot] net.